About Us

In today’s fast-paced, and often overwhelming world, it has become more difficult than ever to find the right path and to focus on what’s important. It’s hard to adjust with the time and even harder to know where to begin!

That’s where we come in :-). At Left&Right, it is our mission to help people (like you!) choose the right path to overcome the biggest challenges in life and to enjoy better health, caring relationships, and compassionate society. And that’s why we’re honored to provide you with unique perspectives to help you live a life of greater meaning, purpose, connection, and fulfillment.

What We Offer:

Left&Right provides lead to change path from distress to meaningful and exciting. Our tried and true advice is to create a healthy lifestyle by improving your mindset and reducing stress – so you can achieve lasting peace and prosperity in your life. We believe that wellness is our shared journey, which is why we are committed to nurturing an individual’s mind and body for a bright today and tomorrow.

What’s more? We offer personal stories, practical advice, news-you-can-use, and insights that speak to one and all, from the young meditators looking for guidance to working employees exploring innovative ways to foster workplace engagement and fulfillment.

What’s Inside for You?

The stories and insights we share are not only fascinating but also acts as catalysts to redefine you for a positive personal change. After all, Left&Right is all about reflecting on simple wisdom and learning new ways to apply it to your complicated lives- through ecological awareness, humanitarianism, and intercultural relations.

So, why wait? Take inspiration from everything you read at Left&Right about effective techniques for mindful living, and how those can benefit you! Start with yourself, and then spread the conversation to your community, embarking upon our new mantra: You, We and All.

Remember there are no “right” ways to have a prosperous life journey; so take the ‘Left&Right’ way and start exploring. We’re here when you need us.